Do you really need to display your learning intentions in a kindergarten or preschool classroom? In this blog post you will discover exactly what learning intentions are and learn some practical teacher tips and ideas for you to have success using or displaying classroom learning intentions in the early years learning environment.
Read MoreAre you interested in how Reggio Emilia provocations could enhance the teaching and learning in your play-based classroom? Many play-based teachers are aware of the highly regarded early childhood programs from Reggio Emilia in Italy. Discover how you can design learning provocations influenced and inspired by those in Reggio classrooms.
Read MoreGrab yourself some fun Easter writing prompts and a heap of Easter writing activities and ideas in this blog post. You will be able to keep your students engaged and writing all the way up until the Easter break.
Read MoreAre you interested in setting up some engaging invitations to play using loose parts? In this blog post you will discover how to use open-ended loose parts in your learning invitations. Learn how to set up those inspiring loose parts provocations and be on your way to fostering engagement and higher order thinking skills in your classroom.
Read MoreAre you teaching the early years biology strand and looking for some engaging and educational science provocations to help your students learn about Living Things? In this blog post there are 5 engaging living things provocations to inspire you. There are also tips and ideas to help you set up your very own purposeful early childhood science learning provocations.
Read MoreTeaching science in a play based classroom is one of the easiest things you will ever do as a classroom teacher. In this blog post you will discover how play based learning and science education go hand-in-hand. I’ll share heaps of photos and ideas you can use in your classroom to teach science through play and learning provocations.
Read MoreWhat is the teacher’s role in loose parts play? In this blog post you will discover which loose parts are best for your children and find out how the teacher plays a vital role in the success of loose parts play in the classroom.
Read MoreInterested in play based or inquiry learning but don’t know where to start? Discover how I do it and find out all the benefits of play based learning. You will also get some practical ideas and my play based learning hints and tips on how you can easily get started learning through play in your classroom today.
Read MoreAre you looking for some classroom ideas to help you celebrate Christmas over these last few weeks of school? I have collated 9 of the best hands-on Christmas classroom ideas for your kindergarten or preschool classroom.
Read MoreDiscover 7 Christmas math activities for kindergarten and preschool. Keep your children engaged and learning in all the excitement of your end of year celebrations. These hands-on math activities will have your students engaged, focused and learning right up to the holidays.
Read MoreLooking for some loose parts Christmas ideas to use in your classroom this year? In this blog post you will discover the benefits of loose parts play and ideas on how you can use loose parts to spark curiosity and learning in your classroom this Christmas.
Read MoreAre you looking for some Christmas sensory play ideas to get you through to the holidays? As Christmas approaches the children get so excited and keeping them settled and on task can sometimes be difficult. Time for some sensory play. Sensory play can help your children to settle and stay on task. I am constantly amazed by the calming effects sensory activities can have on my students.
Read MoreFind out what loose parts are and where the idea of loose parts play originated. Discover the benefits of loose parts play and get some easy and practical ideas for loose parts play in your classroom.
Read MoreDiscover the 7 stages of block play and the influences these stages can have to the design of your learning environment. BONUS FREE Block Play Stages pdf to download and print.
Read MoreIn this blog post you will discover what the 100 languages of children means, where the idea started, why it is an important element of a child-centered education program and how you can use the 100 languages of children in your classroom.
Read MoreDiscover all the benefits of a classroom maker space in this blog post and download some free posters to educate your classroom visitors on why you have a Makerspace, Box Construction Area, Collage Table, Creation Station or whatever you choose to call it in your learning space.
Read MorePiaget’s theories of cognitive development have influenced our modern play pedagogies. See how Piaget and play based learning go hand-in-hand and how his theories reinforce the idea that children learn through play. Discover some practical play-based learning ideas for your classroom.
Read MoreDiscover what Reggio math provocations are and how to plan and set up inviting Reggio inspired math provocations in your kindergarten or preschool classroom. You will have your children engaged with hands-on learning in no time.
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