200 Photographer Tasks

200 Photographer Tasks


Tired of trying to think up educational and purposeful photographer tasks?

I’ve listed over 200 Photographer Tasks in this handy file. They are all aligned to the ACARA P-2 curriculum and have been organised into the following curriculum headings:

Maths—Number and Algebra

  • Number and Place Value

  • Patterns and Algebra

Maths—Measurement and Geometry

  • Shape

  • Using units of measurement

  • Location and Transformation

Maths—Statistics and Probability


  • Language

  • Literacy

  • Literature


  • Senses

  • Biological sciences

  • Chemical sciences

  • Earth and Space sciences

  • Physical sciences

You will receive a .pdf file containing over 200 Photographer Tasks all ready for you to use in your classroom. I know they will save you some planning time!

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