ACARA Material World Science Unit

ACARA Material World Science Unit

Sale Price:$9.00 Original Price:$18.00

This BUNDLE includes 10 PowerPoint ACARA Science lessons and a corresponding student Journal. You will have everything you need to teach the Australian Curriculum Version 8 Materials Unit for the Foundation Stage.

The lessons and the journal activities are related and carefully aligned to ACARA Version 8 with all content descriptors from the Foundation Chemical Sciences strand covered.

I am currently working on the Version 9 Science units, so I’ve decided to heavily reduce all my Version 8 Science resources. Grab yourself a bargain and check them all out here: ACARA Version 8 Science Resources ON SALE

Each page in the student journal corresponds with each of the 10 PowerPoint lessons. The specific ACARA science content descriptors addressed in each activity are listed at the bottom of each journal page.

Students will be able to use the journal to record and represent their knowledge and understandings and it could also be used as evidence of learning and to inform assessment grades.

The highly engaging PowerPoint lessons include quality real life photos and interactive aspects perfect for large screen display and interactive panels.

Lesson 1:  Objects and Materials. Students will identify familiar objects and the materials they are made from.(49 slides)

Lesson 2:  Exploring Playground Materials. Students will describe the properties of materials in their playground. (42 slides)

Lesson 3:  Exploring the Properties of Hats. Students will describe the properties of  materials used to make hats. (53 slides)

Lesson 4:  Exploring the Materials Used to Build Houses. Students will describe how the materials used in houses are selected based on their properties. (50 slides)

Lesson 5:  How Water Effects Materials. Students will share ideas about how water affects materials in different ways. (53 slides)

Lesson 6:  How Wind Effects Materials. Students will identify materials that are more suited to windy conditions. (58 slides)

Lesson 7:  Materials Suitable for Outdoors. Students will describe the observable properties of materials from which outdoor objects are made. (39 slides)

Lesson 8:  Exploring Texture as a Property. Students will describe and explain the use of textures in familiar objects. (51 slides)

Lesson 9:  Exploring Recycling. Students will sort and learn how to recycle objects by identifying their materials. (43 slides)

Lesson 10:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Students will learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle materials to make our world a better place. (50 slides)

 I usually compile the pages of the journal into a booklet for the children.

You might like to just select and print individual pages as follow-up or extension lesson activities to accompany the PowerPoint lessons.

Sometimes I enlarge a journal page to A3. After we watch the related PowerPoint lesson, we complete the poster size journal activity together as a whole class. Of course, the whole journal could be printed at A3 size and used as a whole class learning journal.

Your students will meet their Foundation Stage ACARA Science learning intentions with these ppt lessons and corresponding student journal.

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