Beginning Readers - Set 3

Beginning Readers - Set 3
A set of 4 Easy Reading texts ready for you to print.
The Set includes:
1. I can see... (colour theme)
2. I have my... (school theme)
3. Look, look... (counting theme)
4. Where is my mother? (animal theme)
My easy readers are geared towards children who are just beginning to read on their own. Each book contains its own repetitive sentence structure with matching pictures.
Each book has 12 pages.
The predictive sentences are repeated throughout the book to reinforce the beginning reader’s concept of print. Use these texts to consolidate these vital reading skills:
· Left to right directionality
· Matching one-to-one speech to print
· Pointing to the words
· Using a pattern to predict
· Basic sight word recognition
· Using picture cues
· Attending to the initial letter in a word
· Reading fluently
· Making connections
· Activating prior knowledge
Give your beginning reader instant independent reading success and promote their self esteem.
The complete set includes the following sight words: I, can, see, a, It, is, have, my, Look, look, what, do, you, Where, mother, said, Here, am, the & one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Children learn these sight words by reading them repeatedly in context. These simple and fun readers can certainly help to boost a child's skills, motivation and confidence in both Reading and Writing.
You will receive a zipped folder to download. This folder contains all 4 books. Right click to unzip and extract your files.
I hope you enjoy my BEGINNING READERS. More readers covering other sight words are also available here.
My teaching resources are all original designs and are copyrighted. You may print them and use them as many times as you wish but they are for your personal or classroom use only. My teaching resources, or any part of them are NOT to be copied, shared, or redistributed for any reason. I use my own personal graphics along with purchased © graphics from Whimsy Primsy, DigiWeb Studio, Trina Clarke and Scrappin Doodles to illustrate my resources.