Elkonin Boxes Printable for Blending and Segmenting Phonemes

Elkonin Boxes Printable for Blending and Segmenting Phonemes


This comprehensive set of sound boxes has over 200 Elkonin boxes printable cards, learning prompts, and teacher assessment checklists for teaching blending and segmenting phonemes. Your students will find the real pictures representing words with 2, 3, 4 and 5 phonemes easy to recognise and relate to.

Perfect for developing phonemic awareness skills like phoneme segmentation, segmenting words, and blending sounds. Informed by the Science of Reading research, this early literacy resource is perfect for word mapping too!

Using Elkonin boxes (also called sound boxes ) to develop phonological awareness will help young children learn to segment words into individual sounds and also blend sounds into words.

Easy to Differentiate

This colour-coded set of Elkonin boxes makes differentiation easy.

If your students struggle to segment and blend three sounds, reduce their cognitive load by giving them words with two phonemes. When they master two and three phoneme words, it’s easy to extend their phonemic awareness. This set has four and five phoneme words for extension.

With practice, your students will be able to blend and segment the words independently and the visual aids like the boxes and pictures can be phased out.

This Elkonin Boxes Printable Contains:

  • A differentiated word list - answer key

  • 28 red cards for words with 2 phonemes

  • 88 blue cards for words with 3 phonemes

  • 56 green cards for words with 4 phonemes

  • 32 brown cards for words with 5 phonemes

  • 3 Printable Learning Prompts

  • 2 Printable I can Statements

  • 2 teacher checklists to track students' segmenting and blending progress

  • 2 Student recording sheets

  • And to help you organise everything there is a document wallet label and a task card box label to print

With over 200 illustrated printable Elkonin boxes and all the extra resources in this set, you’ll have a visual and hands-on activity that you can use over and over in your classroom.

More Than One Use

Our literacy focus at the start of kindergarten is phonemic awareness. Boost these skills by using the printable Elkonin boxes to practice segmenting and blending words orally.

For phoneme segmentation, students pick a card, name the picture, and segment each sound in the word. Then they can represent the sounds by placing a counter into each box on the card.

For phoneme blending, students slide their finger, from left to right, on the arrow provided and blend all the sounds back together.

These versatile cards can be used again when your students are ready for phonics instruction and word mapping activities. It’s an easy transition because your students will be familiar with the cards.

For writing, the students already know how to name the picture and break it apart into sounds, so writing the graphemes (letters or groups of letters that make each sound) becomes the focus.

I like to keep it interesting, so we practice with a variety of manipulatives. You can use letter tiles, alphabet beads, or magnetic letters to make the words.

For some reading practice, the students can then blend the letters together to read the word.

This Versatile Resource is Perfect for:

  • hands-on literacy investigation areas

  • literacy centers

  • small group literacy rotations

  • morning tubs

  • busy bags

  • early finishers

  • or for informing your assessment grades

Download these Elkonin boxes printables – they will become a valuable addition to your literacy tool kit! 

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