Classroom Makerspace Display Pack

Classroom Makerspace Display Pack


Whether you call it a Makerspace, Collage Area, Box Construction or even the Creation Station, this Makerspace classroom display pack has EVERYTHING you need to set up a hands-on, creative play center in your classroom. If your students love to build things like mine do, give them a well-designed and inviting area to combine boxes and other collage materials into creative projects.

What is a Classroom Makerspace?

A classroom Makerspace is a dedicated creative area where children construct three-dimensional projects using various collage materials. It develops creativity and critical thinking, making it an essential addition to every play based learning preschool, kindergarten, and early years classroom.

Makerspace Learning Resources

These engaging and beautiful resources will make setting up your classroom Makerspace quick and easy.

With the original printables included in this resource, you’ll have a beautiful well-designed creation station set up in your classroom in no time. It will be organised and purposeful.

This Makerspace pack makes for a simple and easy-to-set-up learning area your students will flock to.

The Makerspace Display Pack Contains:

  • Makerspace Banner Sign.

  • Comprehensive suggested list of materials for your Makerspace.

  • EDITABLE letter to send home asking for boxes and other useful recyclables to stock your area.

  • A large Box construction sign.

  • Kid’s planning and recording worksheet.

  • 68 illustrated Makerspace vocabulary cards illustrated with photo images. You can print these cards to make a Word Wall or turn them into resource labels to keep your area tidy and organised.

  • 4 EDITABLE Makerspace vocabulary cards in case you want to add extra resources.

  • Large Work in Progress poster sign.

  • 2 Small Work in Progress signs.

  • An information poster for parents and visiting educators.

  • 8 inspirational Poster quotes to decorate your space.

  • 16 Makerspace prompt cards for creative STEM projects.

You will instantly receive a .pdf file containing absolutely everything you need to create a stunning and productive Makerspace or Box Construction area for your classroom.

The resources in this pack include detailed real-life photos so your students can easily relate to them.

Why You Need a Classroom Makerspace

If you are keen to cover cross-curricular topics and ensure your children are learning vital higher-order thinking skills like creative thinking and problem-solving, you need a Makerspace in the classroom!

There are numerous benefits for early childhood teachers and their students. Your students will:

  • Enhance Creative Thinking Skills through open ended artistic explorations.

  • Develop Critical Thinking Skills through the exploration of materials and the evaluation of their ideas.

  • Learn Social Skills and Effective Communication Skills through teamwork and the sharing of ideas and resources.

  • Build Problem-solving Skills and Resilience by tackling construction challenges.

  • Boost self-esteem and Confidence when projects are successfully completed.

  • Develop Gross and Fine Motor Skills through hands-on learning activities.

  • Encourage Sustainability Practices by promoting the recycling and reusing of materials.

  • Reinforce Literacy and Numeracy Skills by embracing STEAM and STEM education, integrating science, technology, engineering, art, and math concepts naturally.

Easily Differentiate Your Makerspace Learning Center

Makerspaces are versatile and suited to different age groups and abilities. They are successful learning centers in preschool right through to high school. Hey, I even have my very own Makerspace at home – it’s called my craft room!

Check out what other teachers are saying… 

5 Star Reviews ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 “It was great for organising my makerspace and the prompts gave some direction for students, rather than them just sticking a bunch of objects together like they sometimes do. Thanks!“

“This is so visually beautiful!  It really fits the themes and has so many useful additions to the package.  Kids love it too!”

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