10 ACARA Foundation Level HASS Geography Power Point Lessons

10 ACARA Foundation Level HASS Geography Power Point Lessons
These PowerPoint Lessons are part of my Geography BUNDLE. Purchase the bundle HERE to save.
This zipped folder contains 10 HASS Geography PowerPoint lessons aligned to ACARA—Foundation Level. That is a lesson for each week of the term. All content descriptors from the Geography strand of the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Curriculum are covered. The lessons completely encompass a full unit of study for teaching what places are like and what makes them special.
These highly engaging PowerPoint lessons include quality real life photos and interactive aspects perfect for large screen display and interactive panels.
Lesson 1: Places have Features. Students will observe, describe and record the features of a familiar place. (38 slides)
Lesson 2: Maps Show the Features and Location of Places. Students will locate familiar places on a map. (35 slides)
Lesson 3: Representing Features and Location of a Place. Students will describe and record the features and location of a place. (28 slides)
Lesson 4: Exploring the Features and Location of a Local Place. Students will observe and record the features and location of a local place. (27 slides)
Lesson 5: People Live in Special Places. Students will identify how places and their features are special to people. (27 slides)
Lesson 6: People Look After Special Places. Students will identify how people look after special places. (30 slides)
Lesson 7: Exploring Personal or Local Places that are Special. Students will explore reasons why people think a place is special. (28 slides)
Lesson 8: Exploring Points of View about a Special Local Place. Students will explore points of view about a special local place. (36 slides)
Lesson 9: Exploring the Classroom as a Special Place. Students will identify and describe the features of their classroom and suggest ways to care for it. (36 slides)
Lesson 10: Reflecting on Special Places. Students will revise and reflect on special places and how to care for them. (29 slides)
A 10 page activity journal to compliment these PowerPoint lessons is also available. Each page in the journal corresponds with each of the 10 PowerPoint lessons. You can check it out HERE.