55 Rhyming Word Family Posters

55 Rhyming Word Family Posters
When learning to read and write, word patterns are important. Use these rhyming word family posters as both a classroom reference and as a teaching resource to teach, practise and revise rhyming words.
Children often recognize word patterns as opposed to sounding out words. When a learner knows the word 'cat' the pattern to teach is then mat, sat, fat. etc.
It is essential to teach patterns through word families or rhyming words.
These word family posters will be perfect for your literacy groups, classroom displays and play based centers or investigation areas.
I have designed 2 sets of these printable word family houses. Both sets have the same word families and the same rhyming words. Only the poster styles and colours are different. There is a bright set and a neutral set. Each set contains 55 word family posters.
Each house has up to 10 rhyming words along with a picture clue on the roof. A bonus blank house worksheet is also included. You might like to bind them into a book so I have also included a cover title page.
55 rhyming word family houses in neutral colours—illustrated with real photo images
55 rhyming word family houses in brighter colours—illustrated with clipart
2 BONUS blank houses – colour and b&w versions
A matching Printable Title Cover Page
You will receive a zipped folder containing 2 pdf files. Each of the 110 word family posters are A4 in size. Instructions are included to tile print the posters so you can make smaller sets and store them on a clip ring for your Writing Area.
Following discussions and activities related to the sound under study, these houses can be displayed in the room for revision and further reference. My children are constantly referring to them.
Tile print the houses to make a couple of smaller sets which can then be stored on a ring clip for reading and writing practice and as a reference in your Writing Area.
Combine specific rhyming houses with a matching rhyming text in a small world play area.
Use the bonus blank houses for brainstorming possible words and modelled writing. You could also copy the blank page and use it as a worksheet for the children to make their own word family houses.